Safety of Antibacterial and Antiprotozoal Medicinal Products
The experts of the Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products analysed administrative decisions of foreign regulatory authorities on the recalls of antibacterial and antiprotozoal medicinal products and/or the need for labelling updates due to changes in the safety profile. The analysis revealed 16 decisions containing information on the following medicines registered in Russia: ertapenem, сeftriaxone, cefazolin, аmoxicillin, сefoperazone+sulbactam, piperacillin+tazobactam, сlindamycin, teicoplanin, rifampin, co-trimoxazole, hydroxychloroquine.
About the Authors
E. V. ShubnikovaRussian Federation
Elena V. Shubnikova, Cand. Sci. (Med.)
8/2 Petrovsky Blvd, Moscow 127051
T. M. Bukatina
Russian Federation
Tatyana M. Bukatina, Cand. Sci (Med.)
8/2 Petrovsky Blvd, Moscow 127051
A. A. Druzhinina
Russian Federation
Anna A. Druzhinina.
8/2 Petrovsky Blvd, Moscow 127051
E. O. Zhuravleva
Russian Federation
Evgeniya O. Zhuravleva.
8/2 Petrovsky Blvd, Moscow 127051
G. V. Kutekhova
Russian Federation
Galina V. Kutekhova.
8/2 Petrovsky Blvd, Moscow 127051
N. Yu. Velts
Russian Federation
Nataliya Yu. Velts, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor.
8/2 Petrovsky Blvd, Moscow 127051
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Safety of Antibacterial and Antiprotozoal Medicinal Products. Safety and Risk of Pharmacotherapy. 2022;10(2):196-199. (In Russ.)